Saturday, April 19, 2008

Hai…. Fraands?

Friendship is a term used to denote co-operative and supportive behavior between two or more humans. It connotes a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, and affection along with a degree of rendering service to friends in times of need or crisis.

I remember when the first time the Internet was set up in my home. It was a ‘Sify’ prepaid twenty hour pack. I was in my eighth grade.

Before long, I discovered the pleasure of chatting online.

During those days, Yahoo! Messenger was the most popular platform and ‘Hi... asl?’ was the most common ice-breaker used to initiate conversation. I was entering my puberty and so my libido too, was at a very nascent stage. I remember trying to start chats with women, (I am saying women, because in those days users felt that the person behind a female ID would be a female only) by directly saying, “Hi, do you want to have sex?” instead of ‘Hi... asl’ or even a simple ‘Hello’.

And I used to get so stimulated if she replied to it… even a buzz or ‘NO’ from the other side would make me all charged up and I would quickly make few calls to my friends to discuss the incident.

I was fourteen at that time. A decade has passed.

Things have really changed now. Whether it’s my relationship with women or the ice-breakers.

The advent of Orkut revolutionized the entire platform for connecting, chatting and networking with new and different people. Also, with more information available about the user unlike Yahoo!, like tastes, preferences, hobbies, pictures, there was more infiltration of requests for generating conversation.

As the time-honored tradition suggests, the best method was to befriend with the woman and then have a chat. In the midst of all the frantic endeavors by the boys to woo away girls, the poor word “FRIENDSHIP” has undergone many modifications like fraiensip, frensaip, fensheip, fnehesip etc. etc.

Also, the guys’ desperation ruined the beautiful English language and seeing which, an Englishman would have certainly sued them for slaughtering his mother tongue.

Members of the opposite sex were also jaded by the guy’s despair. (I believe this would have been once in centuries that a woman is not happy to see men falling for her.)

Anyways, so here are some of the modified, self-made, and recently used approaches to have frainedsheip.

Enjoy reading.


P.S. Special thanks to my ex-roomie, friend, chicken-mate and fellow blogger Vineet a.k.a Bakri for his technical assitance in uploading the pics.


Vineet Rajan said...

sexy post dada! the frandship legacy lives on!

Gee said...

Nice. Very nice.
However, please to excuse my over enthusiasm...but shouldn't the sentence read "befriend women" and not befriend with women"?

Tito said...

Perhaps! non sum qualis eram. ;) :P